All are built to your requirements and specification. Call for details 07955052478 or 07564761914. High quality materials and workmanship. 12ft x 36ft come with:? Roof Purlins 4x2 CLS Treated.
25mm Redwood TGV ShipLap Cladding Green Treated. FRAME 3x2 CLS Timber Treated. Black Original Onduline roofing high-quality. Does not include a floor.
We also have options without windows. Kicboar / wall OSB Line :Tack Room, Hay barn, Shelter, Storage.Roof OSB line under Onduline. We have 15 years of experience in building wood stable/ shelter/ shed/ workshop etc. We love horses and breeding animals, we know their needs and our Stables and Shelter are built according to their requirements.
We deal with a wide range of creating wooden structures.